*Please call for availability. List is subject to change depending on the season and stock levels.

All varieties available in the greenhouse may not be listed here. Some varieties may not be currently available.

Product NameHeightSpreadBloom ColourSunlightDescription/Care
Ageratum Aloha Blue6-8"7"BlueFull SunLow mounding, excellent for formal borders and rock gardens.
Ageratum Aloha White6-8"7"WhiteFull SunLow mounding, excellent for formal borders and rock gardens.
Alyssum Clear Crystal Lavender Shades6 - 10"12 - 14"LavenderFull SunSuperior vigor; fragrant, larger-size flowers; and stronger performance.
Alyssum Clear Crystal White6 - 10"12 - 14"WhiteFull SunSuperior vigor; fragrant, larger-size flowers; and stronger performance.
Alyssum Easter Bonnet Deep Rose3 - 6"9"Pink DeepFull SunGood in baskets,rock gardens, and borders. Keep even moisture.
Alyssum Easter Bonnet Mix3 - 6"9"MixFull SunGood in baskets,rock gardens, and borders. Keep even moisture.
Alyssum Easter Bonnet Violet3 - 6"9"PurpleFull SunGood in baskets,rock gardens, and borders. Keep even moisture.
Alyssum Easter Bonnet White3 - 6"9"WhiteFull SunGood in baskets,rock gardens, and borders. Keep even moisture.
Amaranthus Carnival2-3'12'Orange ScarletFull SunA striking foliage plant with new leaves unfurling to fiery shades of yellow and red, turning bronze as they mature.
Amaranthus Early Splendor36"20"RedFull SunBright crimson red on bronze leaves makes a bold statement.
Amaranthus Love Lies Bleeding2 - 3'12"RedFull SunLeaves are large, green or red tinted. Flowers are drooping or erect.
Amaranthus Tricolor2 - 4'1-2'RedFull SunYellow/Green/Crimson
Aster Matsumoto Mix36"20"MixFull SunLong lasting cut flower for arrangements. Use in mixed borders.
Aster Ball Florist Mix12"7"MixFull SunChrysanthemum type blooms in mixed colors.
Aster Nova Mix28"12"MixFull SunAn improved needle-petaled double variety for cutting. Large double flowers in a 9 colour mix.
Aster Pixie Princess Mix10"12"MixFull SunDouble flowers on compact, dwarf plants.
Balsam Color Parade Mix12 - 18"11"MixPart SunBright flowers set amongst pointy leaves on a tall stem. Plant in container or garden bed.
Begonia Bada Bing Mix8 - 10"7"MixFull or Part SunFull bushy plants, vigorous blooming. Plant in containers or baskets.
Begonia Bada Bing Rose8 - 10"7"RoseFull or Part SunFull bushy plants, vigorous blooming. Plant in containers or baskets.
Begonia Bada Bing Scarlet8 - 10"7"ScarletFull or Part SunFull bushy plants, vigorous blooming. Plant in containers or baskets.
Begonia Bada Bing White8 - 10"7"WhiteFull or Part SunFull bushy plants, vigorous blooming. Plant in containers or baskets.
Begonia Bada Boom Rose8 - 10"7"RoseFull or Part SunFull bushy plants, vigorous blooming. Plant in containers or baskets.
Begonia Harmony Plus Scarlet6-8"6-8"ScarletFull or Part SunFull bushy plants, vigorous blooming. Plant in containers or baskets.
Bells of Ireland24"18"GreenFull SunExcellent cut flower for bouquets. Staking may be required.
Calendula Bon Bon Orange12"10"OrangeFull SunEarly flowering series produces 2.5 - 3" blooms.
Calendula Bon Bon Yellow12"10"YellowFull SunEarly flowering series produces 2.5 - 3" blooms.
Carnation Lilipot Mix8 - 10"5"MixFull SunMasses of 2" flowers cover well-branched plants.
Carnation Dwarf Fragrance15"12"MixFull Sun2.25" blooms on sturdy stems that are long enough to cut.
Castor Bean Red5'24"RedFull or Part SunEye catching foliage.
Castor Bean Zanzibariensis8'24"GreenFull or Part SunLong green stems with enormous foliage that is bright green with red veins.
Celosia Armor Mix12"12"MixFull SunAttractive large flower heads in bright colors on robust plants with lush foliage.
Celosia Smart Look Red12"8"RedFull SunCompact and better branched than comparable varieties.
Celosia Fresh Look Mix14"12"MixFull SunAll America Selections Winner.
Celosia Glorious Mixture8"8"MixFull SunStriking plumes on compact plants. Try in containers for a new look.
Centaurea Polka Dot16"8"MixFull SunGood for cutting gardens, meadow gardens. Long lasting blooms.
Cobaea Cup & Saucer Vine10'12"PurpleFull SunPopular purple climber. Must be staked.
Coleus Black Dragon12"12"Red FoliageFull or Part ShadeLarge, red leaves with curled purple serated edges. Do not overwater.
Coleus Kong Mosaic20"12"Green Red FoliageFull or Part ShadeBright green with shades of red and cream- no two leaves are alike.
Coleus Kong Red20"12"Red FoliageFull or Part ShadeRich red center with strong veining, bright green edge.
Coleus Kong Rose20"12"Red Light FoliageFull or Part ShadeBright green edge around a vibrant rose center.
Coleus Rainbow Mix12 - 15"6 - 12"Mix FoliageFull or Part ShadeBushy plant. Broad, heart-shaped leaves.
Coleus Wizard Coral Sunrise12 - 14"12 - 14"Coral GreenFull or Part Shade
Coleus Wizard Jade12 - 14"12 - 14"Green Ivory FoliageFull or Part ShadeGreen and ivory leaves.
Coleus Wizard Mix12 - 14"12 - 14"Mix FoliageFull or Part ShadeCompact, medium sized leaves in mixed colors.
Coleus Wizard Scarlet12 - 14"12 - 14"Scarlet FoliageFull or Part ShadeCompact, medium sized scarlet leaves.
Coleus Wizard Sun Golden12 - 14"12 - 14"Golden FoliageSun or Part ShadeThe best coleus for high light, full sun areas.
Coleus Wizard Sun Sunset12 - 14"12 - 14"Bronze FoliageSun or Part ShadeThe best coleus for high light, full sun areas.
Coleus Wizard Sun Velvet Red12 - 14"12 - 14"Deep Red FoliageSun or Part ShadeThe best coleus for high light, full sun areas.
Cosmos Cosmic Mix12"10"MixFull SunStock, well-branched, free flowering plants.
Cosmos Double Click4'12"Full SunTall plants with large double flowers that bloom until frost.
Cosmos Sea Shells3 - 4'10 - 12"MixFull SunLarge and early, trumpet-shaped flowers with tubular petals.
Cosmos Sensation Mix3'1'MixFull SunTall border plant or mid-summer cut flower.
Cosmos Sonata Mix20 - 24"10 - 12"MixFull SunGolden-eyed blooms flower freely.
Dahlia Bloody Mary15"15"MixSun or Part ShadeDark bronze leaves and double flowers.
Dahlia Figaro Mix14 - 16"15"MixSun or Part ShadeAn improved series with double blooms.
Dahlia Figaro Red14 - 16"15"RedSun or Part ShadeAn improved series with double blooms.
Dahlia Bishop's Children24 - 36"15"MixSun or Part ShadeWhat makes these blooms really extraordinary is that they arise atop black foliage.
Dahlia Harlequin12"12"Mix ColaretteSun or Part ShadeSingle blooms with extra inner crown or collar of contrasting colors.
Datura Ballerina Purple2 - 3'16"PurpleFull SunDouble flowered, purple outer petals with white inner petals. Poisonous.
Datura Belle Blanche32"14"WhiteFull SunUpright white flower on a bluish-green foliage. Poisonous.
Dianthus Floral Lace Mix8 - 10"10"Purple RoseFull SunLacy, serrated petals. Performs well in tough growing conditions.
Dianthus Ideal Select Mix6"14"MixFull SunEarly flowering, compact plant. Lacy blooms in vibrant color.
Dianthus Ideal Select Raspberry6"14"ScarletFull SunEarly flowering, compact plant. Lacy blooms in vibrant color.
Dianthus Ideal Select Red6"14"CrimsonFull SunEarly flowering, compact plant. Lacy blooms in vibrant color.
Dianthus Ideal Select Rose6"14"PinkFull SunEarly flowering, compact plant. Lacy blooms in vibrant color.
Dianthus Ideal Select Violet6"14"VioletFull SunAll-America Selections Winner. Flowers are 1 - 1.5".
Dianthus Super Raspberry Parfait8"9"Pink BrightFull SunLarge, 2" fringed flowers. Unique layering of rich colours on compact plants.
Dianthus Wee Willie6"6"Pink MixFull SunLow growing, long blooming. Very nice in front border and rock bed.
Dusty Miller Silver Dust8"10"Silver foliageFull SunBushy, uniform plants have finely cut, velvety leaves.
Dusty Miller Silver Lace8"10"Silver foliageFull SunFine, very lacy foliage. Excellent for containers.
Four-O-Clock Marbles Mix18 - 24"12"MixFull SunRose, red, yellow, pink, and white flowers open in late afternoon.
Gazania New Day Bronze8 - 9"1'Orange YellowFull SunWell-drained soil is essential.
Gazania New Day Mix8 - 9"1'MixFull SunWell-drained soil is essential.
Gazania New Day Orange Clear8 - 9"1'Orange LightFull SunWell-drained soil is essential.
Gazania New Day Pink Shades8 - 9"1'PinkFull SunWell-drained soil is essential.
Gazania New Day Red Stripe8 - 9"1'RedFull SunWell-drained soil is essential.
Gazania New Day Rose Stripe8 - 9"1'Pink DeepFull SunWell-drained soil is essential.
Gazania New Day Yellow8 - 9"1'YellowFull SunWell-drained soil is essential.
Geranium Maverick Pink18"12"PinkFull SunBeautiful large blooms at 4-5", on tall sturdy plants.
Geranium Maverick Star18"12"Pink RoseFull SunBeautiful large blooms at 4-5", on tall sturdy plants.
Geranium Maverick White18"12"WhiteFull SunBeautiful large blooms at 4-5", on tall sturdy plants.
Geranium Pinto Deep Salmon10"10"Pink PeachFull SunPinto stands alone for consistent excellence in garden or landscape.
Geranium Pinto Premium Deep Red10"10"RedFull SunPinto stands alone for consistent excellence in garden or landscape.
Geranium Pinto Premium Deep Scarlet10"10"ScarletFull SunPinto stands alone for consistent excellence in garden or landscape.
Geranium Pinto Premium White to Rose10"10"White RoseFull SunPinto stands alone for consistent excellence in garden or landscape.
Godetia Satin Mix8"9"MixSun or Part ShadeFlowers blooms are 2", satiny colors. Nice in mixed borders.
Gypsophila Gypsy Deep Rose10"10"Pink DeepFull SunDouble flowers, nice in baskets. Bright and showy.
Hyacinth Bean Ruby Moon10'24"RoseFull SunA very showy climber with purple stems, lilac-rose blooms and shiny magenta seed pods. Needs supports or trellis.
Impatiens Beacon Bright Coral15-20"12"CoralPart Sun or ShadeVigorous flowering, showy in the shade bed. Try in containers.
Impatiens Beacon Bright Red15 - 20"12"RedPart Sun or ShadeVigorous flowering, showy in the shade bed. Try in containers.
Impatiens Beacon Formula Mix15 - 20"12"RedPart Sun or ShadeVigorous flowering, showy in the shade bed. Try in containers.
Impatiens Beacon Orange15 - 20"12"MixPart Sun or ShadeVigorous flowering, showy in the shade bed. Try in containers.
Impatiens Beacon Rose15 - 20"12"OrangePart Sun or ShadeVigorous flowering, showy in the shade bed. Try in containers.
Impatiens Beacon Salmon15 - 20"12"RosePart Sun or ShadeVigorous flowering, showy in the shade bed. Try in containers.
Impatiens Beacon Violet Shades15 - 20"12"RosePart Sun or ShadeVigorous flowering, showy in the shade bed. Try in containers.
Impatiens Beacon White15 - 20"12"SalmonPart Sun or ShadeVigorous flowering, showy in the shade bed. Try in containers.
Impatiens Imara ProFormula Mix15 - 20"12"VioletPart Sun or ShadeVigorous flowering, showy in the shade bed. Try in containers.
Kenilworth Ivy2"5"Green WhiteShadeMoist soil.
Kochia Burning Bush1.5 - 3.5'2'Green FoliageSun or Part ShadeGreen hedge-like foliage turns bright red in Autumn.
Lavatera Mont Blanc24"16"WhiteSun or Part ShadeLarge blooms 3" on sturdy stems. Great cut flower.
Lavatera Novella24"14"Rose brightSun or Part ShadeIdeal pot & patio plant.
Lavatera Silver Cup2.5'2'Pink LightSun or Part ShadeSilvery pink blooms cover sturdy stems. Nice in middle od border.
Lavatera Patio White18"16"WhiteSun or Part ShadeCompact variety with pure white blooms.
Livingstone Daisy Iceplant3 - 5"8"MixFull SunPlant in well-drained soil. Blooms open with sunlight.
Lobelia Cascade White6 - 8"6 - 12"WhitePart Shade to ShadeWhite flowers, compact growth. Good for hanging baskets.
Lobelia Crystal Palace4 - 6"6"Blue DarkShade or Part ShadeCompact, dark blue, bronze leaf variety.
Lobelia Regatta Sky Blue8"10"Blue LightShade or Part ShadeLight blue flowers on trailing plants.
Lobelia Regatta Mix8"10"MixShade or Part ShadeTrailing plants.
Lobelia Regatta Sapphire8"10"BlueShade or Part ShadeBlue flowers on trailing plants.
Lobelia Regatta White8"10"WhiteShade or Part ShadeWhite flowers on trailing plants.
Lobelia Regatta Rose8"10"Pink RoseShade or Part ShadeRose flowers on trailing plants.
Lobelia Riviera Blue Eyes3 - 4"6"BlueShade or Part ShadeDwarf, early flowering series.
Lobelia Riviera Marine Blue3 - 4"6"Blue MidShade or Part ShadeDwarf, early flowering series.
Lobelia Riviera Midnight Blue3 - 4"6"Blue DarkShade or Part ShadeDwarf, early flowering series.
Lobelia Riviera Blue Splash4"6"Blue DeepShade or Part ShadeDwarf, early flowering series.
Lobelia Riviera Rose4"6"Pink RoseShade or Part ShadeDwarf, early flowering series.
Lobelia Riviera White4"6"WhiteShade or Part ShadeDwarf, early flowering series.
Marigold African Crackerjack24"15"MixFull SunSturdy stems, plants do not require staking. Easy to grow.
Marigold African Inca II Gold14"15"GoldFull SunFlowers freely and earlier.
Marigold African Inca II Mix14"15"YellowFull SunFlowers freely and earlier.
Marigold African Inca II Orange14"15"OrangeFull SunFlowers freely and earlier.
Marigold African Inca II Yellow14"15"YellowFull SunFlowers freely and earlier.
Marigold African Bali Orange24 - 32"14 - 16"OrangeFull SunLarge, early blooming plants with extra-sturdy stems.
Marigold African Bali Yellow24 - 32"14 - 16"YellowFull SunLarge, early blooming plants with extra-sturdy stems.
Marigold African Vanilla16"10"WhiteFull SunA unique version of the marigold. Cream color very attractive.
Marigold African Marvel Gold18"12"GoldFull SunLarge, early blooming plants with extra-sturdy stems.
Marigold African Marvel Mix18"12"MixFull SunLarge, early blooming plants with extra-sturdy stems.
Marigold African Marvel Orange18"12"OrangeFull SunLarge, early blooming plants with extra-sturdy stems.
Marigold African Marvel Yellow18"12"YellowFull SunLarge, early blooming plants with extra-sturdy stems.
Marigold French Durango Bolero12"10"YellowFull SunSingle blooms 2-3" on sturdy stems. Attrative and easy to grow.
Marigold French Durango Bee8 - 12'12"Red YellowFull SunFrench. Anemone-style flowers on bushy, compact plants.
Marigold French Durango Flame8 - 12'12"Red OrangeFull SunFrench. Anemone-style flowers on bushy, compact plants.
Marigold French Durango Gold8 - 12'12"Orange YellowFull SunFrench. Anemone-style flowers on bushy, compact plants.
Marigold French Fireball10 - 12"8"Red Bronze OrangeFull SunFrench. Early, 2.5" blooms change colour over time.
Marigold French Little Hero Fire8"8"Yellow RedFull SunFrench. Anemone-style flowers with dark ferny leaves.
Marigold French Little Hero Orange8"8"OrangeFull SunFrench. Anemone-style flowers with dark ferny leaves.
Marigold French Little Hero Yellow8"8"YellowFull SunFrench. Anemone-style flowers with dark ferny leaves.
Marigold Zenith Lemon Yellow14"10"YellowFull SunUnique Afro-French (triploid) with more branching, more flowers, more heat tolerance and more rain tolerance. With no seed set they require no dead heading to maintain its phenomenal flower power all summer long.
Marigold Zenith Red14"10"RedFull SunUnique Afro-French (triploid) with more branching, more flowers, more heat tolerance and more rain tolerance. With no seed set they require no dead heading to maintain its phenomenal flower power all summer long.
Marigold French Safari Bolero12"10"Red GoldFull SunExtra large blooms 2-3". Very showy and easy to grow.
Marigold French Safari Mix12"10"MixFull SunExtra large blooms 2-3". Very showy and easy to grow.
Marigold French Safari Orange12"10"OrangeFull SunExtra large blooms 2-3". Very showy and easy to grow.
Marigold French Safari Red12"10"RedFull SunExtra large blooms 2-3". Very showy and easy to grow.
Marigold French Safari Scarlet12"10"Red DeepFull SunExtra large blooms 2-3". Very showy and easy to grow.
Marigold French Safari Tangerine12"10"Orange BrightFull SunExtra large blooms 2-3". Very showy and easy to grow.
Marigold French Safari Yellow12"10"YellowFull SunExtra large blooms 2-3". Very showy and easy to grow.
Marigold French Safari Yellow Fire12"10"Yellow RedFull SunExtra large blooms 2-3". Very showy and easy to grow.
Marigold French Strawberry Blonde8 - 10"8"Pink Shades YellowFull SunFrench. Early, 2.25" blooms change colour over time from pink to yellow.
Marigold Lemon Gem10 - 12"10"YellowFull SunCompact bushy plants covered with single yellow flowers.
Millet Jade Princess24 - 30"18 - 24"Purple DeepFull SunIntense lime green
Millet Purple Baron2.5 - 3.5'18"Purple DeepFull SunIdeal for mixed containers. Compact, with large thick flower spikes.
Millet Purple Majesty4 - 5'12"Purple DeepFull Sun2003 All American Selections Winner
Mimosa Sensitive Plant5 - 7"12"Green foliageFull SunA unique plant that closes it's leaves when touched or brushed against.
Mimulus Magic Mix9"11"MixPart Sun or ShadePlants display the brightest, most well matched colors.
Mimulus Maximus Mix9"11"MixPart Sun or ShadeVery large flowers. Impressive garden performance.
Morning Glory Happy Hour Rose6 - 9'2'RoseSun or Part ShadeA perfect choice for hanging baskets. Rose-red flowers with a white throat, over variegated foliage.
Morning Glory Heavenly Blue4 - 10 ft.1.5 ft.Blue LightFull SunShelter.
Morning Glory Moon Vine6'2'WhiteFull SunFragrant white night flowering vine.
Morning Glory Scarlet O'Hara8'2'RedFull SunRich dark red color.
Nasturtium Alaska Mix12"16"MixFull or Part SunDwarf. White-speckled foliage.
Nasturtium Canary Bird Vine18"12"YellowFull or Part SunDwarf. Upward-facing blooms.
Nasturtium Empress of India16"12"Red DeepFull or Part SunCascading clumps of single dark scarlet flowers.
Nasturtium Jewel Mix16"1' 3"MixFull or Part SunDwarf. Semi-double flowers.
Nasturtium Phoenix16"12"MixFull or Part SunUnique flame-like petals in a rich range of colours. Compact variety.
Nasturtium Tall Single Mix5'2'MixFull or Part SunClimber.
Nemesia Carnival Mix11"5"MixSun or Part ShadeLime-free land.
Nicotiana Daylight Sensation Mix36"12"MixSun or Part ShadeA brilliant color range. Blooms remain open all day.
Nicotiana Only the Lonely5'12"WhiteSun or Part ShadeBeautiful and very fragrant 1.5 in. white trumpet shaped flowers. Ideal for backgrounds.
Nicotiana Saratoga Mix10 - 12"10"MixSun or Part ShadeBushy plants with trumpet-shaped flowers.
Nicotiana Saratoga Purple Bicolor10 - 12"10"PurpleSun or Part ShadeBushy plants with trumpet-shaped flowers.
Nicotiana Saratoga Red10 - 12"10"RedSun or Part ShadeBushy plants with trumpet-shaped flowers.
Nicotiana Saratoga Rose10 - 12"10"RoseSun or Part ShadeBushy plants with trumpet-shaped flowers.
Nicotiana Saratoga White10 - 12"10"WhiteSun or Part ShadeBushy plants with trumpet-shaped flowers.
Nolana Sky Blue6"16"BlueFull SunA perfect true blue flower that is amazing in a rock bed.
Ornamental Cabbage Osaka Red11-12"12"RedFull SunDeep rosy-red center with greenish- purple veined leaves.
Ornamental Cabbage Osaka White11-12"12"WhiteFull SunCreamy white interior rosette with green veined leaves.
Ornamental Kale Nagoya/Emperor Red6"12"RedFull SunHeavily fringed, very uniform leaves.
Ornamental Kale NagoyaEmperor White6"12"WhiteFull SunHeavily fringed, very uniform leaves.
Pansy 15 Mammoth Series7"9"MixSun or Part ShadeStrong root system, more tolerant of warm weather.
Pansy Atlas Black7"8"BlackSun or Part ShadePure black flower, pairs great with bright colours especially orange.
Pansy Cool Wave Violet Wing6 - 8"24 - 30"Violet WhiteSun or Part ShadeTrailing pansy variety.
Pansy Cool Wave Yellow6 - 8"24 - 30"YellowSun or Part ShadeTrailing pansy variety.
Pansy Delta Prem Beaconsfield8"9"BeaconsfieldFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Prem Blue True8"9"BlueFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Prem Blue w/ Blotch8"9"BlueFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Prem Marina8"9"Blue WhiteFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Prem Mix Blotched8"9"Mix w/ BlotchFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Prem Persian Medley8"9"Pink to PlumFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Prem Pure Color Mix8"9"Mix Pure ColorFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Prem Pure Deep Orange8"9"Orange PureFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Prem Pure White8"9"WhiteFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Prem Rose w/ Blotch8"9"Rose BlotchFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Prem Violet & White8"9"Violet FaceFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Prem White w/ Blotch8"9"White BlotchFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Prem Yellow w/ Blotch8"9"Yellow BlotchFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Prem Yellow 8"9"YellowFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Prem Yellow w/ Ppl Wing8"9"Yellow Purple WingFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Lavender Blue Shade8"9"Lavender w/ BlotchFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Speedy Purple8"9"PurpleFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Tapestry8"9"Pink to PlumFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Delta Pure Red8"9"RedFull Sun to Part ShadeImproved resistance to stormy weather. Prefers cool weather.
Pansy Freefall Mix4 - 6"12 - 15"MixPart Sun to SunEarly-flowering, vigorous, cascading habit.
Pansy Frizzle Sizzle Mix6"9"MixFull Sun to Part ShadeLarge flowered pansy, heavily ruffled flower edges and margins.
Pansy Frizzle Sizzle Yellow Blu Swl6"9"Blue SwirlFull Sun to Part ShadeLarge flowered pansy, heavily ruffled flower edges and margins.
Pansy Imperial Antique Shades8"9"Antique ShadesFull Sun to Part ShadeMasses of extra large blotched flowers.
Pansy Nature Mulberry Shades6 - 9"6 - 9"Yellow w/ RedFull Sun to Part ShadeVery vigorous and very floriferous.
Pansy Panola Violet Picotee8"6 - 8"Violet PicoteeFull Sun to Part ShadePerform well outdoors and tolerate heat better than most pansies.
Pansy Panola XP Mix8"6 - 8"MixFull Sun to Part ShadePerform well outdoors and tolerate heat better than most pansies.
Pansy Panola XP Purple8"6 - 8"PurpleFull Sun to Part ShadePerform well outdoors and tolerate heat better than most pansies.
Pansy Panola XP Rose Picotee8"6 - 8"Rose w/ YellowFull Sun to Part ShadePerform well outdoors and tolerate heat better than most pansies.
Pansy Ultima Morpho8"6 - 8"Blue w/ Yellow BlotchFull Sun to Part ShadeVery floriferous with a long bloom season.
Petunia Celebrity Blue10"9"BlueFull SunBushy plants are free flowering during wet weather.
Petunia Celebrity Burgundy10"9"BurgundyFull SunBushy plants are free flowering during wet weather.
Petunia Celebrity Burgundy Star10"9"Burgundy StarFull SunBushy plants are free flowering during wet weather.
Petunia Celebrity Mix10"9"MixFull SunBushy plants are free flowering during wet weather.
Petunia Celebrity Pink10"9"PinkFull SunBushy plants are free flowering during wet weather.
Petunia Celebrity Pink Morn10"9"PinkFull SunBushy plants are free flowering during wet weather.
Petunia Celebrity Red10"9"RedFull SunBushy plants are free flowering during wet weather.
Petunia Celebrity Red Morn10"9"RedFull SunBushy plants are free flowering during wet weather.
Petunia Celebrity Rose10"9"RoseFull SunBushy plants are free flowering during wet weather.
Petunia Celebrity Rose Frost10"9"Rose, White EdgeFull SunBushy plants are free flowering during wet weather.
Petunia Celebrity Salmon10"9"SalmonFull SunBushy plants are free flowering during wet weather.
Petunia Celebrity White10"9"WhiteFull SunBushy plants are free flowering during wet weather.
Petunia Celebrity Yellow10"9"YellowFull SunBushy plants are free flowering during wet weather.
Petunia Daddy Blue13"10"BlueFull SunBeautiful, large 4" blooms with prominent darker veins.Good weather tolerance.
Petunia Daddy Red Strawberry13"10"Red, VeinsFull SunBeautiful, large 4" blooms with prominent darker veins. Good weather tolerance.
Petunia Daddy Sugar13"10"Lavender, VeinsFull SunBeautiful, large 4" blooms with prominent darker veins. Good weather tolerance.
Petunia Double Madness Blue15"10"BlueFull SunCompact plants produce masses of 3" flowers all summer.
Petunia Double Madness Burgundy15"10"BurgundyFull SunCompact plants produce masses of 3" flowers all summer.
Petunia Double Madness Mix15"10"MixFull SunCompact plants produce masses of 3" flowers all summer.
Petunia Double Madness Rose15"10"RoseFull SunCompact plants produce masses of 3" flowers all summer.
Petunia Double Madness Salmon15"10"SalmonFull SunCompact plants produce masses of 3" flowers all summer.
Petunia Double Pirouette Purple12"10"PurpleFull SunVery double, fringed flowers on compact plants.
Petunia Double Pirouette Rose8"9"RoseFull SunExtra-large, double rose flowers with white petal edges.
Petunia Double Valentine12"10"RedFull SunFully double 3" flowers. Compact in habit and outstanding.
Petunia Easy Wave Blue8 - 12"2.5 - 3'BlueFull SunFlowers (2.5 - 3") bloom freely all season.
Petunia Easy Wave Burgundy Star8 - 12"2.5 - 3'Burgundy StarFull SunFlowers (2.5 - 3") bloom freely all season.
Petunia Easy Wave Pink Passion8 - 12"2.5 - 3'PinkFull SunFlowers (2.5 - 3") bloom freely all season.
Petunia Easy Wave Lavender Sky Blue8 - 12"2.5 - 3'Lavender Blue SkyFull SunFlowers (2.5 - 3") bloom freely all season.
Petunia Easy Wave Rosy Dawn8 - 12"2.5 - 3'Full SunFlowers (2.5 - 3") bloom freely all season.
Petunia Easy Wave Violet8 - 12"2.5 - 3'VioletFull SunFlowers (2.5 - 3") bloom freely all season.
Petunia Easy Wave White8 - 12"2.5 - 3'WhiteFull SunFlowers (2.5 - 3") bloom freely all season.
Petunia Frost Cherry14"10"Pink, White EdgeFull SunFlowers have a vibrant pink center with a white ruffled edge.
Petunia Frost Fire14"10"Red, White EdgeFull Sun
Petunia Frost Mixture14"10"Mix, White EdgeFull SunCompact plant with 3 1/2" bloom size.
Petunia Limbo Blue8"10"BlueFull SunCompact plants with large flowers.
Petunia Limbo Burgundy8"10"BurgundyFull SunCompact plants with large flowers.
Petunia Limbo Mix8"10"MixFull SunCompact plants with large flowers.
Petunia Limbo Pink Morn8"10"Pink MornFull SunCompact plants with large flowers.
Petunia Limbo Red8"10"RedFull SunCompact plants with large flowers.
Petunia Limbo Rose8"10"RoseFull SunCompact plants with large flowers.
Petunia Limbo Salmon Morn8"10"Salmon, WhiteFull SunCompact plants with large flowers.
Petunia Limbo White8"10"WhiteFull SunCompact plants with large flowers.
Petunia Madness Magenta12 - 14"12"PinkFull SunNew color in the Madness series.
Petunia Madness Midnight12 - 14"12"BlueFull or Part SunHeat and weather tolerant with excellent garden performance. Flower 3".
Petunia Madness Mix Merlot12 - 14"12"Burgundy & Lav.Full or Part SunFashionable mix of burgundy and lavender shades.
Petunia Madness Mix Total12 - 15"12"MixFull or Part SunHeat and weather tolerant with excellent garden performance. Flower 3".
Petunia Madness Plum Crazy12 - 14"12"Plum, VeinsFull or Part SunHeat and weather tolerant with excellent garden performance. Flower 3".
Petunia Madness Sky Blue12 - 14"12"RedFull or Part SunHeat and weather tolerant with excellent garden performance. Flower 3".
Petunia Madness Royal12 - 14"12"Blue PurpleFull or Part SunHeat and weather tolerant with excellent garden performance. Flower 3".
Petunia Madness White12 - 14"12"WhiteFull or Part SunHeat and weather tolerant with excellent garden performance. Flower 3".
Petunia Merlin Blue Morn15 - 20"18 - 30"Blue w/ White CenterFull SunAll-American Selections Winner
Petunia Picobella Blue8"10"BlueFull SunNicely mounded, uniform, and naturally dwarf plants.
Petunia Picobella Red8"10"RedFull SunNicely mounded, uniform, and naturally dwarf plants.
Petunia Picobella Rose8"10"RoseFull SunNicely mounded, uniform, and naturally dwarf plants.
Petunia Picobella Blue8"10"SalmonFull SunNicely mounded, uniform, and naturally dwarf plants.
Petunia Picobella White8"10"WhiteFull SunNicely mounded, uniform, and naturally dwarf plants.
Petunia Pretty Flora Midnight7 - 10"12"Purple DarkFull or Part SunControlled growth habit. Better branching.
Petunia Pretty Flora Pink7 - 10"12"PinkFull or Part SunControlled growth habit. Better branching.
Petunia Pretty Flora Purple7 - 10"12"MagentaFull or Part SunControlled growth habit. Better branching.
Petunia Pretty Flora Red7 - 10"12"RedFull or Part SunControlled growth habit. Better branching.
Petunia Pretty Flora White7 - 10"12"WhiteFull or Part SunControlled growth habit. Better branching.
Petunia Tidal Wave Cherry16 - 22"12"Pink Dk.Full SunFlowers (2 - 3") bloom freely all season.
Petunia Tidal Wave Silver16 - 22"12"White BlueFull SunFlowers (2 - 3") bloom freely all season.
Petunia Ultra TriTunia Blue Star13"10"Blue StarFull SunRuffled 3 - 4" blooms.
Petunia Ultra TriTunia Red Star13"10"Red StarFull SunRuffled 3 - 4" blooms.
Petunia Ultra TriTunia Rose Star13"10"Rose StarFull SunRuffled 3 - 4" blooms.
Petunia Valentine12"10"RedFull SunFully double 3" flowers. Compact in habit and outstanding.
Petunia Wave Misty Lilac6"3 - 4'Pink Lt.Full SunFlowers (2 - 3") bloom freely all season.
Petunia Wave Pink6"3 - 4'PinkFull SunFlowers (2 - 3") bloom freely all season.
Petunia Wave Purple6"3 - 4'PurpleFull SunFlowers (2 - 3") bloom freely all season.
Phlox 21st Century Blue12 - 14"10"BlueFull SunLots of bright blooms provide fantastic color all season long.
Phlox 21st Century Crimson12 - 14"10"BurgundyFull SunLots of bright blooms provide fantastic color all season long.
Phlox 21st Century Pink12 - 14"10"PinkFull SunLots of bright blooms provide fantastic color all season long.
Phlox 21st Century White12 - 14"10"WhiteFull SunLots of bright blooms provide fantastic color all season long.
Phlox Globe Mix8"9"Mix pastel / solidFull or Part SunMounds of continuous flowers from early summer through fall.
Phlox Twinkle Mix7"10"Mix Solid and BicolorsFull or Part SunStar-shaped flowers in solid colours and bicolours. Dwarf, compact plants.
Portulaca Happy Trails Mix8"16"MixFull SunWell-drained soil. Large semi-double blooms.
Portulaca Sundial Fuschia4"9"FuchsiaFull SunWell-drained soil.
Portulaca Sundial Mix4"9"MixFull SunWell-drained soil.
Portulaca Sundial Orange4"9"OrangeFull SunWell-drained soil.
Portulaca Sundial Peach4"9"Peach-coralFull SunWell-drained soil.
Portulaca Sundial Pink4"9"PinkFull SunWell-drained soil.
Portulaca Sundial Scarlet4"9"ScarletFull SunWell-drained soil.
Portulaca Sundial White4"9"WhiteFull SunWell-drained soil.
Portulaca Sundial Yellow4"9"YellowFull SunWell-drained soil.
Rudbeckia Cappuccino18 - 20"14 - 16"Red Yellow BicolorFull SunLong-lasting 4" red and yellow bicolor blooms.
Rudbeckia Cherokee Sunset30"12"Mix of Sunset colorsFull SunBig, very double flowers show off a bright mix of yellow, bronze, orange, and brown tones.
Rudbeckia Indian Summer36 - 42"11"Yellow GoldenFull SunLarge daisy-like flowers.
Salpiglossis Bolero24"9 -12"MixFull SunTrumpet shaped blooms. Throats are veined with gold.
Salvia Evolution18 - 20"12 - 14"Blue Dark VioletFull SunExtra long flower spikes, deep green foliage. Withstands hot weather.
Salvia Red Hot Sally11"11"RedFull SunStocky deep red flower spikes on compact plants.
Salvia Reddy Pink8 - 10"9"PinkFull or Part SunAbundant flower spikes over dark green foliage.
Salvia Reddy White8 - 10"9"WhiteFull or Part SunAbundant flower spikes over dark green foliage.
Salvia Victoria Blue18 - 20"16"Blue Deep VioletSun or Part ShadeNever goes out of flower! Deep violet blue spikes,bushy medium green foliage.
Schizanthus Angel Wings Mix8"12"MixFull or Part ShadeVery compact ball shaped plants covered with masses of brightly colored, medium sized orchid-like blooms.
Snapdragon Snapshot Coral Bicolor6 - 10"10"Lavender / WhiteFull SunEarly dwarf variety that is vigorous and compact.
Snapdragon Snapshot Mix6 - 10"10"Red / YellowFull SunEarly dwarf variety that is vigorous and compact.
Snapdragon Snapshot Orange6 - 10"10"Wine / WhiteFull SunEarly dwarf variety that is vigorous and compact.
Snapdragon Snapshot Pink6 - 10"10"PinkFull SunEarly, bushy plants.
Snapdragon Snapshot Purple6 - 10"10"PurpleFull SunEarly, bushy plants.
Snapdragon Snapshot Red6 - 10"10"RedFull SunEarly, bushy plants.
Snapdragon Snapshot Yellow6 - 10"10"YellowFull SunEarly, bushy plants.
Snapdragon Liberty Classic Bronze18 - 22"12"BronzeFull SunStrong flower spikes have evenly spaced florets. Bedding plant or cutflower.
Snapdragon Liberty Classic Crimson18 - 22"12"CrimsonFull SunStrong flower spikes have evenly spaced florets. Bedding plant or cutflower.
Snapdragon Liberty Classic Lavender18 - 22"12"LavenderFull SunStrong flower spikes have evenly spaced florets. Bedding plant or cutflower.
Snapdragon Liberty Classic Mix18 - 22"12"MixFull SunStrong flower spikes have evenly spaced florets. Bedding plant or cutflower.
Snapdragon Liberty Classic Rose Pk18 - 22"12"Pink RoseFull SunStrong flower spikes have evenly spaced florets. Bedding plant or cutflower.
Snapdragon Liberty Classic White18 - 22"12"WhiteFull SunStrong flower spikes have evenly spaced florets. Bedding plant or cutflower.
Snapdragon Liberty Classic Yellow18 - 22"12"YellowFull SunStrong flower spikes have evenly spaced florets. Bedding plant or cutflower.
Snapdragon Madame Butterfly Mixed24 - 30"12"MixFull SunSubstitute for Sweetheart Mix. Azalea-type flowers.
Snapdragon Montego Red6 - 10"9"RedFull SunEarly, bright blooms on strong stems.
Snapdragon Montego Sunset6 - 10"9"Yellow/Rose/BronzeFull SunEarly, bright blooms on strong stems.
Snapdragon Montego White6 - 10"9"WhiteFull SunEarly, bright blooms on strong stems.
Snapdragon Rocket Golden30 - 36"18"Yellow GoldenFull SunHeat resistant and summer blooming.
Snapdragon Rocket Mix30 - 36"18"MixFull SunHeat resistant and summer blooming.
Snapdragon Rocket Pink30 - 36"18"PinkFull SunHeat resistant and summer blooming.
Snapdragon Rocket Red30 - 36"18"RedFull SunHeat resistant and summer blooming.
Statice Pastel Shades30"18"MixFull SunAn elite blend of light blue-lavender, rose pink, soft pink, and white, suitable for cutting.
Statice QIS Dark Blue28 - 30"18"Blue DarkFull SunVery uniform series of statice suitable for cutting.
Statice QIS Rose28 - 30"18"RoseFull SunVery uniform series of statice suitable for cutting.
Statice QIS White28 - 30"18"WhiteFull SunVery uniform series of statice suitable for cutting.
Statice QIS Yellow28 - 30"18"YellowFull SunVery uniform series of statice suitable for cutting.
Stock Hot Cakes Mix10 - 16"6 - 8"MixSun or Part ShadeFully double flowers on green-leafed plants. Highly fragrant, brightly coloured blooms.
Stock Evening Scented12"9 - 18"LilacSun or Part ShadeAmong the most fragrant of annuals. Use in mixed flower beds and planters.
Stock Vintage Burgundy12 - 14"9"BurgundySun or Part ShadeVery fragrant flowers on bushy plants that bloom early in the season.
Stock Vintage Mix12 - 14"9"MixSun or Part ShadeVery fragrant flowers on bushy plants that bloom early in the season.
Stock Vintage Red12 - 14"9"RedSun or Part ShadeVery fragrant flowers on bushy plants that bloom early in the season.
Stock Vintage Rose12 - 14"9"RoseSun or Part ShadeVery fragrant flowers on bushy plants that bloom early in the season.
Stock Vintage White12 - 14"9"WhiteSun or Part ShadeVery fragrant flowers on bushy plants that bloom early in the season.
Strawflower King Mix3'1'MixFull SunA reselected strain with extremely large flowers. See Ball Cat. 2001/02 "Cutflowers"
Strawflower Monstrosum Mix2'1'MixFull SunCut flower variety.
Sunflower Ballad2 - 2.5'1 - 2'Yellow GoldenFull SunIndoors or outdoors. Pollen-free.
Sunflower Choco Sun10 - 12"12 - 14"YellowFull SunVery compact, well-branched plants produce lemon-yellow flowers with dark chocolate brown centers.
Sunflower Mammoth Russian6 - 8'1.5'YellowFull SunHuge single yellow blooms, 10" in diameter. Stake tall plants.
Sunflower Moonshadow4'12"WhiteFull SunPollen-free pure white flower with a yellow disc.
Sunflower Teddy Bear3'1'Yellow GoldenFull SunDouble, 3 - 5" golden yellow flowers.
Sunflower Valentine4 - 5'2'Yellow PaleFull SunPale yellow 6" blooms with a rich brown center.
Sunflower Velvet Queen5'2'CrimsonFull SunDark velvety crimson 5 - 6" blooms with a black center.
Sweet Pea Knee Hi Mix2 - 3'12"MixFull SunStrong, self-supporting vine covered with long-lasting flowers.
Sweet Pea Royal Family Mix3 - 8'1 - 2'MixFull SunRuffled flowers. Support plant on a fence or trellis.
Thunbergia Blushing Shades5 - 6'15"Mix Pastel ShadesFull or Part SunFlowers open creamy ivory, then blush to shades of apricot-salmon and deep, rosy-red.
Thunbergia Susie Mix5'15"Mix Yellow/Orange/WhiteFull or Part SunVine with an abundance of yellow, orange, and white blooms with clear and dark eyes.
Thunbergia Susie Orange w/ Eye5'15"OrangeFull or Part SunVine with orange flowers- dark eyes,good for hanging baskets and containers.
Thunbergia Susie Yellow w/ Eye5'15"YellowFull or Part SunVine with yellow flowers- dark eyes,good for hanging baskets and containers.
Torenia Kauai Blue & White8"8"Blue & WhiteSun or ShadeCompact habit with a high heat and humidity tolerance, works well in gardens and containers.
Torenia Kauai Lemon Drop8"8"Blue & WhiteSun or ShadeCompact habit with a high heat and humidity tolerance, works well in gardens and containers.
Torenia Kauai Mix8"8"MixSun or ShadeCompact habit with a high heat and humidity tolerance, works well in gardens and containers.
Torenia Kauai Rose8 - 10"10"RoseSun or ShadeCompact habit with a high heat and humidity tolerance, works well in gardens and containers.
Verbena Quartz Bordeaux6 - 8"10 - 12"Red Dark Terra CottaFull or Part SunNon-stop flowering from early spring to frost. Resists heat and drought.
Verbena Obsession Burgundy Eye6 - 8"10 - 12"Burgundy EyeFull or Part SunProvides non-stop flowering from early spring to frost.
Verbena Obsession Blue Eye6 - 8"10 - 12"RedFull or Part SunVibrant red with large white eye.
Verbena Obsession Mix6 - 8"10 - 12"MixFull or Part SunProvides non-stop flowering from early spring to frost.
Verbena Obsession Red6 - 8"10 - 12"RedFull or Part SunDeep solid red with tiny white eye.
Verbena Obsession Red Eye6 - 8"10 - 12"Red/White EyeFull or Part SunDeep solid red with tiny white eye.
Verbena Obsession White6 - 8"10 - 12"WhiteFull or Part SunNon-stop flowering from early spring to frost. Resists heat and drought.
Verbena Quartz XP Pink8 - 10"10 - 12"BlueFull or Part SunHeat, drought resistant plants that have a strong tolerance to mildew.
Verbena Tuscany Peach8 - 10"10 - 12"Salmon / ApricotFull or Part Sun
Viola Sorbet YTT XP6"10"White w/ Blue PicoteeSun or Part ShadeThis early series offers 3/4 in. flowers.
Viola Tiger Eye Yellow4 - 6"6"YellowSun or Part ShadeUnusual, exotic looking blooms. Ideal for containers, rock gardens, or garden edging.
Viola Penny Deep Blue4 - 6"8"Blue DeepSun or Part ShadeStays neat and compact in the garden. Tolerates heat and cold.
Viola Penny Mix Lane4 -6"8"MixSun or Part ShadeDistinct and strong colors.Performs best in cool, fertile soil. Great for containers, and borders.
Viola Penny Orange4 - 6"8"OrangeSun or Part ShadeEarly-flowering. Excellent cool weather tolerance.
Viola Penny Purple Picotee4 - 6"8"White w/ Purple EdgeSun or Part ShadeStays neat and compact in the garden. Tolerates heat and cold.
Viola Penny Red Blotch4 - 6"8"Red BlotchSun or Part ShadeRed-scarlet shades.
Viola Penny White Jump-Up4 - 6"8"White/PurpleSun or Part ShadeWhite with violet wings.
Viola Penny Yellow4 - 6"8"YellowSun or Part ShadeStays neat and compact in the garden. Tolerates heat and cold.
Viola Penny Yellow Jump-Up4 - 6"8"Violet/YellowSun or Part ShadeStays neat and compact in the garden. Tolerates heat and cold.
Viola Sorbet Antique Shades6"10"Sun or Part ShadeThis early series offers 3/4 in. flowers.
Viola Sorbet Black Delight6"10"Sun or Part ShadeThis early series offers 3/4 in. flowers.
Viola Sorbet Coconut Swirl XP6"10"White w/ Blue PicoteeSun or Part ShadeThis early series offers 3/4 in. flowers.
Viola Sorbet Delft Blue XP6"10"Blue, WhiteSun or Part ShadeThis early series offers 3/4 in. flowers.
Viola Sorbet Mix XP6"10"MixSun or Part ShadeThis early series offers 3/4 in. flowers.
Zinnia Lilliput Mix20"9"MixFull SunFlowers are small and compact on strong stemmed plants. Most popular variety for cutflowers.
Zinnia Profusion Red Yellow Bicolor14"20"Red Yellow PinkFull Sun2021 Gold Medal AAS Flower Winner! Small flowered 2in single blooms cover bushy dwarf plants.Excellent disease tolerance.
Zinnia Short Stuff Mix8"8"MixFull SunLarge, fully double, 2 - 3" blooms, compact and early blooming.
Zinnia State Fair Mixture2.5 - 3'18"MixFull SunTallest zinnia.
Zinnia Thumbelina8"8"MixFull SunA colorful mixture of double and semi-double flowers cover the plant throughout the season.
Zinnia Zahara Mix12 - 18"12 - 18"MixFull SunOutstanding in sunny, hot and dry conditions. Superior disease resistance.
Zinnia Zahara Red12 - 18"12 - 18"RedFull SunOutstanding in sunny, hot and dry conditions. Superior disease resistance.
Zinnia Zowie Yellow Flame24 - 30"26"Yellow Magenta-OrangeFull SunSemi-double, 3 - 4in blooms. AAS Winner